Why we strike


Strike in the European Institutions. While the Commission and the European Parliament converge on a change in the Staff Regulations that would provide, from 2014 to 2020, savings of € 1 billion, 8 Member States (“net contributors”) in the Council require savings of €5, €10, or €15 billion.

Luxembourg – Institutions of the European Union : growing differences in salary

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe salaries of contract staff are falling below the statutory minimum salary of a skilled worker in Luxembourg. If the Commission proposal to isolate the secretaries and clerks within a new function group SC is finally adopted, this time you will also have EU officials earning less than skilled workers in Luxembourg.

A reform shaped under ominous financial perspectives


The ongoing reform will depend on the outcome of a much broader discussion on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020. A ceiling to its Heading 5 –‘Administration’– having been set, it will then be left to the reform of the Staff Regulations itself to specify the ‘details’ of how to implement the savings.

European School : the moment of truth

en-savoir-plus-pdfEPSU-CJ morally and financially supports the parents’ European School Non-Discrimination Campaign. The union will take on the contribution to the campaign of those who are concerned parents, Court of Justice colleagues.

Transferring your pension rights: think twice before deciding!

en-savoir-plus-pdfWhether or not to transfer to the Community pension scheme pension rights acquired under different schemes is an important decision, which is for you to take.

Adjustment of remuneration and pensions: sidetracking the institutional setup

en-savoir-plus-pdfThe Council’s refusal to approve the adjustment of remuneration and pensions is worrying not only because it violates a right of the staff enshrined in the Staff Regulations, but also because it highlights the fact that political ‘appropriateness’ increasingly prevails over the rule of law.