Show your face!

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frWe are inviting you to upload your photo to the organisation chart on the institution’s intranet site and to your email address. Please click on the faceless image to read further!

Sharing Experience, Building Solidarity!

Pie_dépenses_2016EPSU CJ held its annual general meeting in accordance with the specific arrangements related to the health crisis. It set out its goals for the coming period. In addition, it approved its accounts. Contributions, a guarantee of independence, are growing steadily. Click on the picture to see how expenses are broken down.

Notice convening two General Meetings

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe Grand-Ducal Regulation of 20 March 2020 enabled associations to hold their General Meeting in videoconference until 30 June 2020. EPSU-CJ members will find here a notice convening two General Meetings, as well as their practical arrangements (in FR).