Entries by Vassilis Sklias

A pay rise for German civil servants

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frEmployees of the German civil service will receive a 4.75% pay rise spread over two years, following a salary agreement. This matters for us, too, since these increases will have a repercussion on the 2016 and 2017 updates of our remuneration.

Union finances: Transparency and accountability

Pie_dépenses_2015Having its members’ subscriptions ( 18 563.88) as its only resource, EPSU-CJ spent, in 2015, a total amount of € 15 563.68. Legal aid represents the biggest expense. Henceforth, EPSU-CJ pays its contribution to the USF budget.

EPSU CJ: the lonely journey to affiliation to USF

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr EPSU CJ’s lonely journey is now complete. Our full integration into the USF family has now been added to our in-depth knowledge of the institution and of the inter-institutional framework.

Pro rata temporis mechanism confirmed and extended

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frConceived by EPSU CJ and applicable solely in the Court of Justice, the pro rata temporis mechanism will henceforth apply to all officials up to grade AST 8 and AD 11, regardless of their date of recruitment (see conclusions of the consultation held between the Court Administration and EPSU CJ).

EPSU CJ becomes a USF-affiliate

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe Federal Congress held in Dubrovnik formally admitted EPSU CJ  as a full member of Union Syndicale Fédérale.