Entries by Vassilis Sklias

A reform shaped under ominous financial perspectives


The ongoing reform will depend on the outcome of a much broader discussion on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020. A ceiling to its Heading 5 –‘Administration’– having been set, it will then be left to the reform of the Staff Regulations itself to specify the ‘details’ of how to implement the savings.

Evolution of purchasing power

en-savoir-plus-pdfBy a formal Decision, the Council refused to adopt the Commission’s proposal to adjust remuneration and pension in accordance with the Method. The Commission has decided to bring an action against the Council in the Court of Justice for not adopting the annual adjustment to remuneration and pensions of EU staff, thus breaching the Staff Regulations.

Working hours : Social regression is on the move !

en-savoir-plus-pdfSince the Industrial Revolution, shorter working hours have become synonymous with social progress. While the legislative practice so far has been to lay down minimum requirements (e.g., a maximum working time), in its draft revision of the Staff Regulations, the Commission is fixing a minimum working week: working longer to ‘offset’ the loss of jobs! This will set a precedent that the Commission will certainly invoke throughout Europe.(article published in FR in Agora Magazine Nr 64).

Draft proposal for amending the Staff Regulations

en-savoir-plus-pdfInflation in Luxembourg triggered a 2.5% salaries’ increase. Indexation of salaries is safeguarded only thanks to the strong position of Luxembourg’s trade unions. For EU contract staff, this means that not only Function Group I, grade 1, but also FG II, grade 4, are falling below the minimum legal salary for a skilled worker in Luxembourg (read the attachment). If the draft proposal for Revising of the Staff Regulations were to be adopted, secretaries / clerks as a whole would no longer be recruited as officials, but as FG II contract staff.