Entries by Vassilis Sklias

EPSU-CJ: a new start under the USF banner

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frIn Staff Committee elections on 7 December, colleagues in the Court of Justice will have every reason to vote for EPSU-CJ (an extract from Agora Magazine N° 77).

Annual update of salaries: +3.3%

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frFollowing years of loss in purchasing power, an amended Method was put back on the tracks in 2015. The update for 2016 will be +3.3%. How was this figure calculated ?

Pension rights : Transferring or not ?

As salaries are dropping, the minimum subsistence figure rule is increasingly determinant in calculating your pension (for SCs, for contract staff, and for ASTs with an incomplete career prospect).

Language course outsourcing

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frIt’s time to stop social dismantling and guarantee the dignity of all workers who directly or indirectly work for the institutions.

Say No to CETA!

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe anti-TTIP Luxembourg platform, of which Union Syndicale Fédérale is part, welcomes the fact that more and more political players seem finally to face the fact that the free-trade agreement TTIP is a threat to our acquired social, democratic and ecological rights and to our rights as consumers DE / FR. Read also ASSESS_CETA by the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour (EN/DE).

mPass : Turning failure into a new start

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr A 30 % discount was offered by Luxembourg subject to the condition that the number of subscriptions would reach 1000 in three years. This period now comes to an end and the number of season-ticket holders has not even reached half that number (493).

BREXIT : Time to strengthen our solidarity

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThere is no question for our British colleagues to pay, because of their nationality, the bill for the political aberrations of the European institutions or national governments as a whole.

CETA and TTIP – A danger for our democracy and the rule of law!

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr21 organisations, among which Union Syndicale Fédérale, acting together in the Luxembourgish Anti-TTIP Platform, are analysing the risks involved in the transatlantic agreements DE / FR CETA: The Walloon Parliament says NO to the free-trade agreement between the EU and Canada! EN translation of the Resolution – DE / FR.