The cracked image of the Court of Justice

Ambulant_EN Working conditions are aggravated without any information, let alone consultation, of staff representation. The staff in three translation Units are called to give up their fixed office and occupy one on a “first come, first served” basis. →Read more.

2023: a +1.0% residual annual update and revised pay supplement

The salary update for 2023 occurred in two stages: intermediate +1.7%, residual annual +1.0. The latter coincided with an increase of the pension contribution rate by 1%, which resulted in a take-home pay around zero. → Read the flyer.

→ Evolution of pension contribution rate.

The Luxembourg social minimum wage (SSM) grows faster than our salary scalesfor contract staff, and → for officials and temporary staff. The Court Administration has decided, like the European Parliament, to extend the ‘pay supplement’ to all basic salaries lower than the SSM by taking out of the balance the expatriation or foreign residence allowance, see → Consultation Conclusions.