Entries by Vassilis Sklias

The 2014 Reform hit women harder

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frOn the occasion of the International Women’s Day, it is probably time to take a close look at recent developments in the field of equal opportunities.

Union finances: Transparency and accountability

Pie_depensesHaving its members’ subscriptions ( 17.149,37) as its only resource, EPSU-CJ spent, in 2014, a total amount of 18.202,24. An exceptionally important amount was spent on creating this Website.

No to abolishing the CST!


Giving in to a sweeping tide of intergovernmentalism, the Court of Justice is proposing to abolish the Civil Service Tribunal (CST). EPSU CJ opposes that.

Cross-the-border commuter survey

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frOne of the reasons for poor staff adherence to the M-Pass is that it is not valid beyond the borders of the Grand Duchy or beyond some points close to the border of the Grand Duchy.

The 2004-2012 Method: How our purchasing power has been eroded


During the eight and a half years period for which the Method for adjusting salaries and pensions was to be in force according to the 2004 Staff Regulations, there was a significant loss of purchasing power, mainly for staff in active employment.