Entries by Vassilis Sklias

1 May 2014


To reverse the trend and find the lost thread of social progress, the role of trade unions is irreplaceable.

Union finances: transparency and accountability


Having its members’ subscriptions (€ 16 637.97) as its only resource, EPSU-CJ spent, in 2013, a total amount of € 15 578.62. 48.77% out of this total amount was spent for the strikes.

An assessment not just about elections


EPSU-CJ, the only trade union which was able to put forward a full and well-balanced list, combining experience and renewal, increased both its number of seats and its percentage of votes.

Court of Justice judgment of 19 November 2013, in case C-63/12: Sentencing to death a method after its natural death (in FR)


The ‘Method’ for adjusting remuneration and pensions, which, in its successive variations, has ensured, since 1972, social peace, to the extent that it was considered by both parties (employers and employees) as binding, is dead. After its expiry, on December 31, 2012, this method has been sentenced to death by the judgment of the Court of 19 November 2013 (Case C-63/12).

Faced with a difficult situation, let us strengthen our solidarity!


The outcome of this reform is grim. Certainly, it could have been worse, and it probably would have been were it not for the mobilisation that we conducted together. But beyond a ‘profits and losses’ approach, this Reform is marked by social regression.


en-savoir-plus-pdf-frWith the introduction of the long-awaited M-Pass, EPSU -CJ’s demand is finally satisfied. EPSU -CJ fully supports this egalitarian formula, which is likely to be of interest to colleagues regardless of their place of residence. However, this news has raised neither a wave of enthusiasm nor a rush to the markings.

Results of the summit of 7 and 8 February 2013

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe Council and Commission messages agree on the view that the total savings of 2.5 billion Euroswere the best possible result and that we have to live with these savings. We feel that the result is still unacceptable because it is adding 1.5 billion euros to the one billion euros of savings resulting from the Commission proposal on reviewing the Staff Regulations, and the brutal plan of cutting jobs which is already put to practice.

Why we strike


Strike in the European Institutions. While the Commission and the European Parliament converge on a change in the Staff Regulations that would provide, from 2014 to 2020, savings of € 1 billion, 8 Member States (“net contributors”) in the Council require savings of €5, €10, or €15 billion.