Entries by Vassilis Sklias

Promotions beyond grades AD 12 and AST 9

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frWe are currently in the 5th year since the 2014 Staff Regulations came into force and the implementing provisions enabling promotions to AD 13-14 and AST 10 posts have still not been adopted. It is urgent to do so. Read our flyer (in EN) and our letter to Admin (in FR).

Overcharging medical expenses – End-of-season case law

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frSome judgments mark an end of season: The Court is reassured by the fact that the case decided can no longer serve as a precedent, since the legal framework has meanwhile changed, so that a case similar to the one in dispute can no longer arise (text in FR).

Democracy, transparency and accountability

Only a trade union relying on members’ subscriptions can claim it is independent. This is so with EPSU CJ (subscriptions collected in 2017: € 21 947.72). Click on the image to see how expenses are broken down.

Officials’ careers – pro rata temporis

Under the 2004 Reform, the career structure has undergone deep changes. At the Court of Justice, to adapt to these changes, EPSU CJ elaborated and negociated a promotions system, known as ‘pro rata temporis’, which applies exclusively in this institution since 2006 (see the texts relating to it: 2009, 2015 (FR)).

The General Court upholds citizens’ rights!

In its Judgment of 10 May 2017, in Case T-754/14, the General Court annuls the Commission’s refusal to register the proposed European citizens’ initiative (ECI) ‘Stop TTIP’. You may read the Press Releases of the said ECI (EN) and of the Luxembourgish Platform Stop CETA and TTIP (DE/FR), of which USF is part.