Entries by Vassilis Sklias

Democracy, transparency and accountability

Pie_dépenses_2016Only a trade union relying on members’ subscriptions can claim it is independent.  This is so with EPSU CJ (subscriptions collected in 2016: € 19 376.07). Click on the image to see how expenses are broken down. The General Meeting of EPSU CJ takes stock of the past and sketches out its lines of action for the future (read the Resolution).

False step Nr 2 – A response due to News@Curia

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frEPSU CJ invites the institution to refrain from offering a forum to a group of people who are not an organization, whether you call it a ‘trade union’ or otherwise (in FR).

‘Article 3a’ contract staff

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frProvisions applicable to contract staff referred to in Article 3a CEOS, FG I, and employed by the Court of Justice (in FR).

EPSU CJ : Strengthening trade union democracy

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frWith the highest number of votes (39.2%) and 6 seats, EPSU CJ remains the only representative union at the Court of Justice. EPSU CJ alone will represent the staff of the institution at the negotiations on the Staff Regulations.

A first false step

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr7 out of the 13 members of the newly elected Staff Committee “decided” to request the Human Resources to fill the two full-time posts made available to the StaffCom in breach of the 2/3 quorum rule. EPSU CJ informed the Administration about it. By a formal Decision of 29 March 2017, the Registrar of the Court upheld EPSU CJ’s position.