Basic salaries 2015-16

A yearly update of remuneration and pensions is henceforth decided by the Commission alone. As from 1 July 2015, the salaries of officials and temporary staff and those of contract staff were increased by 2.4%.

Pro rata temporis mechanism confirmed and extended

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frConceived by EPSU CJ and applicable solely in the Court of Justice, the pro rata temporis mechanism will henceforth apply to all officials up to grade AST 8 and AD 11, regardless of their date of recruitment (see conclusions of the consultation held between the Court Administration and EPSU CJ).

Open Space project definitively dropped at European Parliament

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frIt is time to sweep away once and for all an obsolete form of organising work whose harmful effects have been amply demonstrated.

EPSU CJ becomes a USF-affiliate

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe Federal Congress held in Dubrovnik formally admitted EPSU CJ  as a full member of Union Syndicale Fédérale.

Civil Service Tribunal sacrificed to the whims of the Member States?

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frGiving in to a sweeping tide of intergovernmentalism, the Court of Justice is proposing to abolish the Civil Service Tribunal (CST) and to double the number of judges of the General Court!

The 2014 Reform hit women harder

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frOn the occasion of the International Women’s Day, it is probably time to take a close look at recent developments in the field of equal opportunities.

Union finances: Transparency and accountability

Pie_depensesHaving its members’ subscriptions ( 17.149,37) as its only resource, EPSU-CJ spent, in 2014, a total amount of 18.202,24. An exceptionally important amount was spent on creating this Website.

No to abolishing the CST!


Giving in to a sweeping tide of intergovernmentalism, the Court of Justice is proposing to abolish the Civil Service Tribunal (CST). EPSU CJ opposes that.

Contract staff in Luxembourg: overcoming divisions, a challenge for us all


The erosion of purchasing power in Luxembourg has carried particularly severe consequences for contract staff in function groups I and II, who have found themselves below the minimum wage in force in Luxembourg.

Survey on cross-the-border commuting – conclusions (in FR)


We wish to thank all our colleagues who made this survey possible by responding to our questionnaire.