StaffCom Elections – 7 December 2016
EPSU CJ (an affiliate of USF) – Our programme – Our candidates.
Towards an end to medical overcharging?
Union Syndicale Fédérale requested the Luxembourg Government to fully implement Directive 2011/24/UE: Click on the PDF icon. Read further our legal analysis (in FR), our letter to the Luxembourg government and the answer of the latter to our letter.
Say No to CETA!
The anti-TTIP Luxembourg platform, of which Union Syndicale Fédérale is part, welcomes the fact that more and more political players seem finally to face the fact that the free-trade agreement TTIP is a threat to our acquired social, democratic and ecological rights and to our rights as consumers DE / FR. Read also ASSESS_CETA by the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour (EN/DE).