mPass : Turning failure into a new start

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr A 30 % discount was offered by Luxembourg subject to the condition that the number of subscriptions would reach 1000 in three years. This period now comes to an end and the number of season-ticket holders has not even reached half that number (493).

BREXIT : Time to strengthen our solidarity

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThere is no question for our British colleagues to pay, because of their nationality, the bill for the political aberrations of the European institutions or national governments as a whole.

Internal competitions and how Contract Staff are excluded

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe 2014 Reform gave Contract Staff limited access to Internal competitions. However, in the case of proof-readers, this proved to be ineffective. Read our analysis and possible solutions.

CETA and TTIP – A danger for our democracy and the rule of law!

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr21 organisations, among which Union Syndicale Fédérale, acting together in the Luxembourgish Anti-TTIP Platform, are analysing the risks involved in the transatlantic agreements DE / FR CETA: The Walloon Parliament says NO to the free-trade agreement between the EU and Canada! EN translation of the Resolution – DE / FR.

A pay rise for German civil servants

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frEmployees of the German civil service will receive a 4.75% pay rise spread over two years, following a salary agreement. This matters for us, too, since these increases will have a repercussion on the 2016 and 2017 updates of our remuneration.

Brexit: How would it affect you ?

The possibility of the UK leaving the European Union raises serious issues which have not been faced before. These are addressed in an official document of the UK Government. The possible consequences of a Brexit for staff members or pensioners of European Institutions are addressed in a text published by Union Syndicale Brussels (Brexit … and you).

Collective action: Recalculating transferred pension rights

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frEPSU CJ, the representative trade union of the staff of the Court of Justice, contributes its share to the joint action of trade unions from all institutions (+pensioners’ associations).

Union finances: Transparency and accountability

Pie_dépenses_2015Having its members’ subscriptions ( 18 563.88) as its only resource, EPSU-CJ spent, in 2015, a total amount of € 15 563.68. Legal aid represents the biggest expense. Henceforth, EPSU-CJ pays its contribution to the USF budget.

EPSU CJ: the lonely journey to affiliation to USF

en-savoir-plus-pdf-fr EPSU CJ’s lonely journey is now complete. Our full integration into the USF family has now been added to our in-depth knowledge of the institution and of the inter-institutional framework.

11 years of applying (or not applying) the Method and its vicisitudes

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frBy a sequence of decisions, judicial or legislative, the EU staff and pensioners have also suffered the consequences of the austerity policies prevalent in the EU.