Implementing the reform of the Staff Regulations: Article 30 (3) of Annex XIII


By raising new barriers to the career of officials, the reform of the Staff Regulations has caused, throughout the institutions, a headache when it comes to implementing it.  The analysis (see also the attached file with graphic) put forward by EPSU CJ (in FR) seeks to contribute to  implementing this highly controversial transitional provision in a correct way.

Cross-the-border commuter survey

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frOne of the reasons for poor staff adherence to the M-Pass is that it is not valid beyond the borders of the Grand Duchy or beyond some points close to the border of the Grand Duchy.

The 2004-2012 Method: How our purchasing power has been eroded


During the eight and a half years period for which the Method for adjusting salaries and pensions was to be in force according to the 2004 Staff Regulations, there was a significant loss of purchasing power, mainly for staff in active employment.

Basic salaries in 2014

These are the pay grids for officials and temporary staff on the one hand and contract staff on the other, resulting from the 2014 Reform and the 0.8% pay adjustment which applies with effect from 2/07/2012.

1 May 2014


To reverse the trend and find the lost thread of social progress, the role of trade unions is irreplaceable.

Union finances: transparency and accountability


Having its members’ subscriptions (€ 16 637.97) as its only resource, EPSU-CJ spent, in 2013, a total amount of € 15 578.62. 48.77% out of this total amount was spent for the strikes.

Europawahlen (DE) ­– European elections – EPSU’s message (EN)


The European elections are a chance for us to have an influence on the composition of the European Parliament and, thereby, on the political orientations of that EU institution, the only one which can claim democratic legitimacy.

An assessment not just about elections


EPSU-CJ, the only trade union which was able to put forward a full and well-balanced list, combining experience and renewal, increased both its number of seats and its percentage of votes.

Court of Justice judgment of 19 November 2013, in case C-63/12: Sentencing to death a method after its natural death (in FR)


The ‘Method’ for adjusting remuneration and pensions, which, in its successive variations, has ensured, since 1972, social peace, to the extent that it was considered by both parties (employers and employees) as binding, is dead. After its expiry, on December 31, 2012, this method has been sentenced to death by the judgment of the Court of 19 November 2013 (Case C-63/12).

4 December 2013 – Staff Committee elections – Court of Justice


When working conditions are worsening,  shall we join forces or go it alone?