2020: Will the coronavirus attack our pay?

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frSince 2014, the Staff Regulations no longer leave it to the institutions to determine whether or not there has been “a serious and sudden deterioration in the economic and social situation”. Instead, they set objective criteria for this.

The termination of the Agreement with Hospitals is now backfiring

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frBy terminating the 1996 Agreement with the Luxembourgish Hospitals the Commission has left behind a legal vacuum. Now, it’s the PMO that decides! And it decides to abolish generalised direct billing for inpatients. How did we get here? EPSU CJ provides answers.

Cross-border commuters: ‘Free of charge’ means more expensive!

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frAs from 1 March 2020, public transportation within the GD of Luxembourg will be free of charge. But what about cross-border commuters ? It turns out that in some cases it will be more expensive than before!

The 2019-20 Salary Grid

The remuneration and pensions for the month of December are updated with effect from 1 July 2019: In the tables ‘officials and temporary staff’ and ‘contract staff’ you will find useful links; see also 2019 Update. The Luxembourgish Social Minimum Wage was increased as from 1-1-2020. On the basis of an agreement concluded with EPSU-CJ, the Court of Justice provides a pay supplement to colleagues who earn less than the Social Minimum Wage.

2019 Elections – Our positions in short

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frDespite its lack of human ressources, EPSU-CJ has been able to deal with things that matter. Give us the means to do much more! Restore the missing balance!

Season-tickets for cross-border workers!

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe institution, which will be released in future from its contribution to the mPass, will have to subsidize our cross-border colleagues in a way that has yet to be specified.

2019 Elections – The staff at a crossroads


The independence that matters to you is independence from the institutions! A Staff Committee can act in a spirit of independence only  if it is backed by a strong and independent trade union! The team of EPSU-CJ candidates has the means and the determination to defend you at all levels of staff representation, both statutory and trade-union.


EPSU-CJ Message for the elections


A strong Staff Committee is one backed by a strong and independent trade union!

2019 Salaries update +2.0%


The combined effect of the gain in the purchasing power of national civil servants (+0.5) and the Joint Brussels-Luxembourg Index (+1.5%) results in an update of our pay and pensions by 2.0%.

Frontal attack on the European public service


“ … France supports the adoption of economic measures such as adopting a new target of overall staff reduction …”.