Entries by Vassilis Sklias

2019 Salaries update +2.0%


The combined effect of the gain in the purchasing power of national civil servants (+0.5) and the Joint Brussels-Luxembourg Index (+1.5%) results in an update of our pay and pensions by 2.0%.

How the Joint Index cost us 0.5 %

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe ‘Joint Index’ —which makes no economic sense— has reduced, in fact, our general salary growth by 0.5 % since 2015.

Creating a correction coefficient (cc) for Luxembourg? Legal framework

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe conflict between the economic reality and the legal framework in force has given rise to the demand for a Luxembourg cc. However legitimate the debate on the usefulness of this claim may be, misrepresenting the legal framework (‘fake law’) is just unacceptable.

Creating a correction coefficient (cc) for Luxembourg? Legal framework

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe conflict between the economic reality and the legal framework in force has given rise to the demand for a Luxembourg cc. However legitimate the debate on the usefulness of this claim may be, misrepresenting the legal framework (‘fake law’) is just unacceptable.

Creating a correction coefficient (cc) for Luxembourg? Legal framework

en-savoir-plus-pdf-frThe conflict between the economic reality and the legal framework in force has given rise to the demand for a Luxembourg cc. However legitimate the debate on the usefulness of this claim may be, misrepresenting the legal framework (‘fake law’) is just unacceptable.

Geographical balance not achieved

It is mainly the language regime centred on French which accounts for chronic and structural geographical imbalance in the Court of Justice.