Pay supplement getting increasingly necessary

From the 1st of April, yet another indexation at the national level – In Luxembourg, wages follow inflation more closely than in European institutions. The ‘pay supplement’ (safety net) negotiated in 2017 with EPSU-CJ now reaches →grade 3 of contract staff, and even →grade AST/SC 1.

The updated salary grid

The +4.5% annual update with effect from 1 July 2022 results from a precise application of the Method free from political interference; see →officials and temporary staff; →contract staff, along with a 3.2% increase in the Luxembourg minimum social wage from 1 Jan 2023.

Joining the Public Service if you’re allowed to by a subcontractor

Who will defend the dignity of the candidates and the dignity of the European civil service tomorrow? The first contact of citizens with the European institutions is a shocking experience hardly compatible with any idea of a public service.

+4.5% Residual annual salary update 2022

explanatory flyerThe 50th year of the Pay Adjustment Method, in its latest automatic version, has demonstrated its ability to stay the course in crisis conditions. Watch our oral presentation ; Read ourexplanatory flyer; and an authentic history of “the Method”, VOX Magazine (FR-EN-DE).

The Method: a trade union achievement to defend

Our Method for adjusting pay and pensions has had a 50-year-long turbulent history. The automaticity acquired with its sixth version (2014) is now challenged by a health crisis, followed by a war and an energy crisis. The staff will have to be ready to defend it.

Transforming the housing crisis into a crisis of the European Public Service?

No, thank you! By a Motion adopted unanimously on 17.05.2022, the Chamber of Deputies took a position on the attractiveness of the Luxembourg site. Read our file : The art of transforming the housing crisis in a crisis of the European public service. An update of our PowerPoint Correction coefficient made simple. Finally, a short legal note: No Luxembourg correction coefficient is possible without revising the Staff Regulations.

+2.4% Intermediate salary update from 1 Jan 2022

A high rate of inflation recorded in the 2nd semester 2021 triggered an intermediate update of remuneration and pensions. See oral presentation ; explanatory flyer; updated salary grids for →officials and temporary staff; →contract staff; and an authentic history of “the Method”, VOX Magazine (FR-EN-DE).

Litigation instead of social dialog

Did legal action cost too much? In the absence of social dialog, the institution uses all procedural expedients to thwart our legitimate claims, which could have been resolved by social dialog or by an amicable settlement.

Vaccination is an act of solidarity

In pandemic conditions, individual health protection is inseparable from community protection. Let us show solidarity! Click here to read our message.